Sunday, 1 April 2012

Dairy Free Easter Eggs 2012

As usual, finding dairy free Easter eggs is never easy, but there are options available.

Here are some of the Dairy Free Easter eggs that I have seen in 2012.


Lindt is one of my favourites as it is available in many places including supermarkets, Big W etc.

The Dark Chocolate Bunnies are really nice; 60% cocoa and come in 100g and 200g sizes. Be careful to only buy the DARK Chocolate version with the BROWN ribbon as this one is dairy free. (RED ribbon is the most common but is MILK chocolate; WHITE ribbon is for WHITE chocolate)

The Dark Easter Eggs are 70% cocoa.

Is Lindt chocolate Gluten free?
You'll need to read the Lindt Chocolate FAQ and make your own decision.

Macro Wholefoods Market @ Woolworths

You should be able to find the Macro Easter Bunny which is Lactose Free in the Macro Wholefoods Market section of your local Woolworths.
They also have versions that are Nut Free and another that has No Added Sugar.

Around $7.00 for the 130g bunny


Kinnerton are a specialty Nut Free chocolate manufacturer but they also have a few products that are Dairy Free like this egg combo that I saw at David Jones for $19.95.

For the rest of the year, blocks of the Kinnerton chocolate is available in Big W & David Jones stores. (Cheaper at Big W)

Kinnerton -
Available from David Jones -

Darrell Lea

Darrell Lea have a couple of options.
Mini Easter Bunnies, pack of 12, 155g total. These are individually wrapped Easter Bunny heads and are Nut free, Dairy free and Gluten free.

There is also a larger, 45g Bunny.

These are only available in Darrell Lea stores and are manufactured in the dedicated NUT FREE facility by Sweet William (see below).
Darrell Lea -

Sweet William

"Sweet William is an innovative dairy free chocolate company that produces a range of exceptionally delicious chocolate products which are dairy free, gluten free, nut free and cholesterol free."

Available from Safeway, Coles and IGA in Victoria.
Sweet William -

Alpha Confectionery

In the past we have written about Alpha Confectionery and how wonderful their dairy free chocolate was. Unfortunately, it seems that they may no longer be in business (Their St. Kilda location has been vacated). What a shame. I really miss their Easter Eggs.

See Also: